Providers are encountering increasingly complex chronic wounds and patients with multiple comorbidities. Providers may feel they lack the necessary training to effectively manage these cases, emphasizing the need to bridge the expertise gap for successful outcomes. The Archangel STEPP into Healing course offers a multi-disciplinary wound care education specific to providers in the post-acute setting.
How will this course benefit you?
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Comprehensive wound and ostomy assessment techniques
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A systematic approach to evidence based wound healing treatment
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Differential diagnosis and critical thinking skills necessary to address chronic wounds with multiple co-morbidities
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Identification of wound etiology to develop optimized treatment plans
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Patent Pending Case Management techniques
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Recognition of medication effects on healing outcomes
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Techniques to collaborate with referral sources in the post-acute space
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Legally defensible documentation that will insure better reimbursement outcomes specifically with cellular tissue based tissue products and grafts
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When and how to use Advanced Wound Dressings
Who should take this course?
Physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and APRNs in the post-acute setting
How is the course sold and why?
The course is sold in individual seats or groups purchased by the provider or practice. We believe that the case management of wounds in a setting requires a TEAM EFFORT. We encourage training all clinicians who do wound care with the same skills and methods to maximize wound healing outcomes.
Course Detail
- 100% Online
- 10 modules
- 20 hours of on-demand video courses
- 20 CME Credits
- Certificate of Completion
Course Features
- Video Narration
- 6 Month Access
- Desktop or Mobile
- Downloadable Resources
Purchase & Enroll
Interested in more than 10 seats? Call us for a custom quote at:
Course Modules
1. Wound Care Boot Camp
2. Skin & Nutrition
3. Clinical Review of Systems
4. STEPP Protocol and Creating Dynamic Wound Care plans
5. Pressure Injuries
6. PVD and DFU
7. Venous Leg Ulcers and Lymphedema
8. Surgical Wounds and Atypical Wounds
9. Wound Dressings
10. Navigating Post-Acute Settings

Denise Richlen
Treating clinician, mentor, instructor, and consultant in wound care for over 30 years in a multitude of acute and post-acute settings including private practice, home health and LTC
Treating clinician, mentor, instructor, and consultant in wound care for over 30 years in a multitude of acute and post-acute settings including private practice, home health and LTC
Instructor for Relias and WCEI, teaching webinars as well as the WCC and DWC certification prep courses
Author of hundreds of classes, webinars and blogs regarding post-acute care
Speaker and presenter at many national wound care and lymphedema conferences including Wild On Wounds, Wipe Out Wounds, National Lymphedema Network, Mayo Wound Symposium, Kaiser Permenante Wound Education
Co-owner/ COO of Wound Care Gurus, LLC

Jennifer Bierhup
20 years as an RN treating, instructing, consulting in the clinical wound care field
Certified in both wound care and case management
Created an inpatient wound care program, opened 2 outpatient centers, and specialized in Home health wound care delivery
Created Healthcare Business method patent (pending) in wound care best practice
Extensive experience in patient advocacy